
I.9.13 Pompeii. Casa di Cerere. Linked to I.9.14. Excavated 1951.


The entrance at I.9.13 is blocked by the cast of the ancient door.

We entered and photographed this house by starting at I.9.14 and working from the rear.

The combined photographs can be found on the page for I.9.14:


Combined photographs of I.9.13 and I.9.14      Combined room plan (Opens in a separate window)


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west on Via di Castricio towards entrance doorway.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking north-west on Via di Castricio towards entrance doorway.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking north-east on Via di Castricio towards entrance doorway.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking north-east on Via di Castricio towards entrance doorway.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. December 2018. 
Looking north-east towards entrance doorway on north side of Via di Castricio. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

I.9.13 Pompeii. December 2018.

Looking north-east towards blocked entrance doorway on north side of Via di Castricio. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. 
Looking north towards corner junction of Via di Castricio, and front façade on west side of entrance doorway.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019.

Looking north towards corner of junction with Via di Castricio, and front façade on west side of entrance doorway.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. September 2005. Blocked entrance

I.9.13 Pompeii. September 2005. Blocked entrance.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Wall of lower front façade, on east side of entrance doorway.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Wall of lower front façade, on east side of entrance doorway.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail of wall of lower front façade, on east side of entrance doorway.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail of wall of lower front façade, on east side of entrance doorway.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii.  September 2005.  Atrium.

I.9.13 Pompeii. September 2005. Atrium.


I.9.13      Via di Castricio looking east.  September 2005.                    I.17

I.9.13 Pompeii, on left. September 2005.                 Via di Castricio, looking east.                                 I.17, on right.


I.9.13                Via di Castricio looking east.  September 2005.

I.9.13 Pompeii. September 2005. Via di Castricio looking east. 


I.17, on left. September 2005.                   Via di Castricio looking west.                                              I.9.13 on right.

I.17, on left. September 2005.                   Via di Castricio looking west.                                              I.9.13 on right.


Via di Castricio looking west. September 2005.          I.9.13 on the right. 
According to Della Corte, found on the south façade on 27th September 1951, painted in red and black, was an Edictum munerum -
See Della Corte, M., 1965.  Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Napoli: Fausto Fiorentino. (p.341)
According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), it read as -
glad(iatorum)  pa[r(ia) 3] 
L(uci)  Valeri  Primi  Augustalis  pugn(abunt)  Pomp[eis IV]  III [pr(idie) 3] 
Februarias  venatio  m(a)tutin[a et vela erunt]           [CIL IV 9962]   
According to Cooley, this graffito was found on the right side of the entrance at I.IX.13 (between 13 and 12), and translates as –
(….) pairs of gladiators of Lucius Valerius Primus, imperial priest (Augustalis), will fight at Pompeii on the (…) February: there will be a hunt in the morning……         See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii : A Sourcebook. London : Routledge. (p.52)

Via di Castricio looking west. September 2005. I.9.13 on the right.

According to Della Corte, found on the south façade on 27th September 1951, painted in red and black, was an Edictum munerum -

See Della Corte, M., 1965. Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Napoli: Fausto Fiorentino. (p.341)


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de), it read as -



glad(iatorum)  pa[r(ia) 3]

L(uci)  Valeri  Primi  Augustalis  pugn(abunt)  Pomp[eis IV]  III [pr(idie) 3]

Februarias  venatio  m(a)tutin[a et vela erunt]           [CIL IV 9962]  


According to Cooley, this graffito was found on the right side of the entrance at I.IX.13 (between 13 and 12), and translates as –

(….) pairs of gladiators of Lucius Valerius Primus, imperial priest (Augustalis), will fight at Pompeii on the (…) February: there will be a hunt in the morning……

See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge, (p.52).


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west along lower front wall and pavement.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west along lower front wall and pavement.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west along pavement on Via di Castricio.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west along pavement on Via di Castricio.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Pavement on Via di Castricio.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Pavement on Via di Castricio.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail of pavement.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail of pavement.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail from pavement.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail from pavement.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2024. No.5 – Plaque with theatre masks, (Ist century BC – Ist century AD). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
No.3, lower left – Bronze wall sconces with theatre masks, provenance not known, but from Pompeii. (Ist century AD).
No.4 – Terracotta theatre masks Pompeii – provenance not known, but from Pompeii. (Ist century AD). 
No.6 (number hidden, but beneath No.7) – Oil lamp with theatre masks, from I.9.9.
On display in exhibition in Palaestra entitled – “L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2024. No.5 – Plaque with theatre masks, (1st century BC – 1st century AD). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

No.3, lower left – Bronze wall sconces with theatre masks, provenance not known, but from Pompeii. (1st century AD).

No.4 – Terracotta theatre masks Pompeii – provenance not known, but from Pompeii. (1st century AD).

No.6 (number hidden, but beneath No.7) – Oil lamp with theatre masks, from I.9.9.

On display in exhibition in Palaestra entitled – “L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”.


I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2024. No. 5, Plaque with theatre masks. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
On display in exhibition in Palaestra entitled – “L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”.

I.9.13 Pompeii. March 2024. No. 5, Plaque with theatre masks. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

On display in exhibition in Palaestra entitled – “L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”.



Combined photographs of I.9.13 and I.9.14      Combined room plan (Opens in a separate window)





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 07-Jul-2024 20:24